Terms of Use

The intellectual property rights and copyrights on all kinds of designs, trademarks, logos and information and documents containing sound, image, text (hereinafter referred to as "Content") on this site belong to Marmara Çiçekçiliğ or are used within the framework of a license agreement. All or any part of the Content on our site may only be used by the owners or with the written permission of the owners. It is forbidden to modify, copy, rent, lease, lend, transmit and publish the Content without permission. Content taken from this site may not be used for any commercial purpose.

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Your credit card information is not kept in the database of our website in any way. Accompanied by 128 Bit, it is directed directly to the bank.

Marmara Çiçek cannot be held responsible for the submission of information by minors under 18 years of age to the websites of Marmara Floriculture without the permission of their parents or guardians.

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